Friday, January 1, 2010

2010: A New Decade

Until a few days before the new year, I didn't even realize it was going to be a new decade, but as it is, it seems like a good time to look at the top ten events of the past decade. Make sure to take a look at the attached article!

2000: Bush Defeats Gore
Or did Gore defeat Bush? This was the first election I really remember being interested in and paying attention to the issues. It's also the election that cemented my belief that the electoral college should be abolished and replace with popular vote. Yes, I do know we are not a democracy but a republic which means that we elect our representatives, which is what our vote does, elects the elctors for our state, but by doing this we are effectively voting for representatives to vote for our representative. The President is our ultimate representative, so why can't we vote for him/her?

2001: 9/11
Did we really handle this correctly, were the lives lost and their families treated with the most respect we can give them? I don't know.

2001: War on Terror
How do you go to war with an idea?

2003: Iraq War
I support our troops as much as anyone can and now that we are there (and still are...) we need to leave on a "good" note. Not that there will ever be a "good" note to this war, but as much as I want our troops out of this war I wholeheartedly believe we never should have been in, ew can't just drop everything and leave. We do, however, need to start wrapping things up.

2004: Indian Ocean Tsunami
Tragic. Maybe we can learn to actually help people who need it?

2005: Hurricane Katrina
Honestly, how can we mess up saving lives in our own country. The emergency response was pitiful, but I'm glad New Orleans is getting back on its feet.

2008: Olympics (China)
I love the Olympics, but why was this one more special than the 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006?

2008: The Crash
I live in Michigan so we went down earlier than 2008, but let's see what Obama can do for us. Maybe the new decade will be better economically; at least I hope so. Too many people have lost their jobs and their homes, and their savings.

2008: Obama's Election
Well 2009 was't great for him, but he was left with a lot of massive problems that probably can't be fixed in one year, so time will tell.

2009: Michael Jackson Dies
Tragic as this was, should it really be in the top ten stories of the decade? Maybe the year, but the decade? Really?

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