Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Ok so this is my random venting...

I'm just waiting for the announcement that the United States is dropping Michigan and becoming the 49 states. I mean seriously.

First, Michigan and Rhode Island were the only two states in the nation to have negative incomes (I'm not sure if that's the right word but it's the right idea) and Michigan beat Rhode Island by quite a bit. Then, Michigan had the highest unemployment rate, almost twice that of the nation. Meanwhile all the polititicians in Washington are going around talking about how great the economy is...well thats bull shit if you ask me. If even one state is doing poorly, like Michigan, then they cannot go on preaching like that as if we don't matter. It started back with Bush's State of the Union Speech last year and has just gotten worse, and both parties do it.

Then, just because Michigan moved their primary too early, we don't get any delegates at the DNC and the delegates votes only count as 1/2 at the RNC. Ok I understand that the state wasn't supposed to move the primary that early, and that we probably should be punished in some way. But I mean it wasn't the voters who moved the primary, but it's the voters who are getting punished. What's the point of even voting in the Democratic primary if it doesn't even count for anything. I mean even though I am planning on voting Democratic in November (I want Obama) I might just vote in the Republican primary so it actually counts for something.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Barack Obama - Education

Ok so I'm going to start with the candidate I am leaning towards voting for this year.

-"Zero to Five": Early learning challenge grants to promote voluntary, universal pre-school
-Increase Head Start funding
-Affordable high quality health care
-"No Child Left Behind": Move from having teachers prepare for standardized tests to testing for college preparation; improve accountability to struggling schools rather than punishing them
-Improve Science and Math in schools through teacher recruitment and professional help in the classroom
-Provide funding for schools to impliment intervention strategies such as parent involvement, mentoring, personal academic plans, etc. to reduce the drop-out rate
-Double funding for after school programs
-"Step Up": Provides summer learning opportunities for disadvantaged students
-"Gear Up," "Trio," and "Upward Bound" to promote college preparation for students from low-income families
-Supports transitional bilingual education
-Recruit, prepare, retain, and reward teachers: Teaching Service Scholarship in return to teaching in a high need field or location; mentoring; increase teacher pay
-American Opportunity Tax Credit: Tax credit for families with college students
-Simplify the application process for financial aid

Ok so this is all good and well on paper. I support all of these positions. However, he plans to hand out a lot of money the country doesn't have. We are still in debt way over our heads and it is growing bigger by the day. I definatly think we should increase spending in education and I also think that the No Child Left Behind, while it had good intentions, needs to be seriously reconfigured. Also, I think that there should be a lot of emphasis on helping struggling schools.

Personal Paradise

I awoke with a start, hoping beyond hope that last night had not just been a dream, but it must have been. I kept my eyes closed just a little longer, holding onto the picture in my head. Why, why did I have to leave that place? It was so magical, so beautiful…
As I walked off the boat, I had to squint in the bright sunlight. After being in the dark for so long, my eyes weren’t adjusted to light yet. I got to the end of the dock and stepped into the sand. All I could think was how much I needed this, a place to relax. I made my way up the beach, and as I did so I wondered what else was here. I mean yes I wanted to relax, but I didn’t want to be on a deserted island. As soon as I thought this, I heard laughter from behind some trees. I ran over to the trees; the laughter sounded familiar. As soon as I reached the tree line I ran into my closest friends and family. When I asked them why they were there, they just told me they came because I wanted them there. Now, this was all great and everything, but I was a bit scared of it all too. How did they know exactly whom I wanted to see and whom I didn’t? Where did they come from? And how did we all get here? I decided to put it out of my mind for now and to just enjoy it while it was here.
I turned back to my family and friends thinking about what to do next. I think I’d like to play in the ocean, go buggie-boarding and play in the waves, if there are waves. Oh but none of us have bathing suits. Then, all the sudden, one of my best friends called out from the back of the group, “Hey do you guys want to go swimming? I have everyone’s suit.” And I thought to myself that this was just getting weirder by the minute, but we went to swim anyway.
The waves were amazing. We all had a great time, racing on the buggie-boards we found on the beach and playing in the waves. After we were all tired we went to dry off and lie out on the beach or play in the sand. As I lay in the sun, I took in the environment. It was beautiful. The sun was out and it was a warm, but not humid day. I could hear the waves crashing into the shore and feel the sand beneath my toes. The air smelled sweet from the forest behind me and salty from the ocean. I could hear the birds in the sky, the animals in the trees, and my friends laughing around me. It was the most peaceful I had been in a long time.
After a time, I started to get hungry, but I had not brought any food. I sat up and looked around. Many of my friends were back from their various beach activities. We began to talk about where we could get food as many of them we hungry too. One of my friends suggested we go for a walk, back into the trees. Once we were there we began to smell delicious scents, so we followed the scents. They brought us to a large outdoor restaurant. Once we were seated we realized it was like a big outdoor Mongolian BBQ. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and all of us ate way too much including huge desserts. When we asked for our bill the waiter told us that the meal was on the house. Amazed we decided to walk back to the beach for the evening.
Back at the beach, we found a large bonfire. For the rest of the evening, we enjoyed the warmth of the fire and each others company. We talked late into the night until the fire finally died. It was very dark on the beach at this point and we could see the stars with amazing clarity. There was not a cloud in the sky. We decided to take the blankets and sleeping bags left off to the side of the bonfire and set them up on the beach. We fell asleep watching the stars.
…but all good things must come to end I thought as I lay with my eyes closed. I slowly sat up in bed and turned off my alarm clock thinking of how amazing it would be in the world were really like that. What would it be like if we could spend the rest of our lives with our friends and family in the places we loved best and whatever we wanted appeared as soon as we thought about it? Oh well I thought as I got ready for class; hopefully I can at least revisit Paradise in my dreams tonight.